POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : blender : Re: blender Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:16:29 EST (-0500)
  Re: blender  
From: Paul Jones
Date: 21 Jun 2001 14:09:50
Message: <3B3238DF.6D6AFB84@psu.edu>
I highly recommend blender, coupled with a dxf to mesh conversion app. I have spent
about 2 weeks messing with it and the modelling options great. I think of it as a
free Rhino. And converting to a mesh (blender can save as dxf files) is easy and
works very well in pov.

I do not use the blender render engine, because it is only scanline, for final
images. I always export and then retexture in pov.

true, the interface is odd, but there are plenty of tutorials (it took me much
longer to get the hang of pov) and it is the same no matter what platform you are
on. I model on a SGI at work at then on win2k box at home. Same file, same

Paul Daniel Jones
120 Chandlee Laboratory
Penn State University
pdj### [at] psuedu


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